October 31, 2012

Oct. 31


Our third year trick or treating.
The first year we've gone without friends.
Without daddy.
They did AMAZING!
This mom is so proud.
They gave smiles and made eye contact.
Absolutely no tears.
They still don't care about candy.
Hooray for their teeth!
Daddy took care of the loot.
They loved their "Brett Favre" shirts.
We have three coffee table books about Brett Favre.
Those books are their favorite.
They knew their shirts were the same as the ones in the books.
And brought them out to show me.
They love watching football.
With or without daddy.
I just love them.
My heart is so happy.
Happy Halloween!



Wordless Wednesday / Apples

October 30, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

At the pumpkin patch we had..........
camera trouble
little boys running wild
difficultly listening
sticks for poking
tears from not getting what we wanted
baby pumpkins
rolling pumpkins off the pallets
nice weather

It wasn't the best time at the patch but that's just life.
Sometimes things don't end up as easy or fun as we originally thought, but it's alright.
We just keep trying.
And when all else fails, take them down to the playground........

..........then take them home and give them a bath. 

October 27, 2012

Fall Mini Scrapbook 2012

I've been busy preparing for my Fall Mini Scrapbook Workshop.
Last year's was a blast, as was the workshop I had in the spring.

This year the Fall colors are a little softer and sweeter.
The little pumpkins make me happy.
I just love them.

I'm so looking forward to this workshop and it's coming up in two weeks. So excited! 

October 24, 2012


Have you heard about "Booing" your friends or neighbors?
It's really just door-bell ditching treats on their door step.
There are some seriously cute ideas on pinterest though.

Needless to say, fell under their magic and wanted to create my own version.
We were only able to "boo" a few of our friends but it was still fun.
The boys and I delivered them this morning.
I felt like a ninja mom. lol Only in the part about being quiet while dropping the treats off.
I even managed to dodge a spider on one of the paths.
It had my skin crawling for several minutes after getting back in the car.

Happy Early Halloween!
One week, folks! Are you ready?


October 22, 2012

Care Packages for H & J

Back in the summer one of my sisters moved to Australia to go to school.
She's totally loving it but I also know she misses being home.
Especially during the Fall and Thanksgiving season.
So......I send her a few goodies.
Even though it's summer time there, I know she will be celebrating Thanksgiving.
I absolutely love these little cards. Use them to write down the things you are thankful for, blessed with, and grateful for.
Then hang them, pin them, or pass them on to a friend.
Then one of my brothers went off to college this fall. I thought he might need a little love too.
Homemade Oatmeal Cream Pies and a Starbucks gift card.
Best things for a college kid. Well, if you ask me anyway! Ha! 

I had so much fun sending these packages to my sibs. They are pretty awesome, after all!
*p.s. these are the most incredible oatmeal cream pies you will ever eat.