
May 7, 2012

Moms are awesome!

Yesterday, our mom's group celebrated Mother's Day early with a brunch.
It just so happened that I ended up catering the appetizers and desserts.
You know, because you can't have a party without yummy food! That would just be crazy!
It's was so much fun putting everything together.

I want to give a shout out to my friend, Charlene. She was a huge help in getting everything loaded and set up. I could not have done it without her. Thanks, Charlene!

I used The Pioneer Woman's recipe for bowtie pasta salad. It's definitely my new favorite.

Before I knew I was catering all the food, I volunteered to set up a craft table with card kits.
I loved creating these and encouraging others be creative.

A few weeks ago I saw a pin on pinterest that led me to another blog with a tutorial on how to hand dye your own coffee filter roses.
They were so easy to make. Now, I made about 4 or 5 dozen which was a lot, but just making a few is ridiculously easy.

Thanks for putting up with me and all my photos!
What do you do to celebrate your mom or yourself and all that you are?

If you have any questions about recipes, comment below.